Sam Bradley supporting Ryan Keen at The Poly, Falmouth Review

Entering the venue, I was struck by how small, but interesting the room was. I started to wonder what fellow student journalist Swee Lee O’Gorman had set me up for. Cinema seats and a stage spotlighted showing off acoustic and electric guitars gave me the confidence that this show was going to be one of a kind and different to any gig I have been to before.  As soon has Sam Bradley entered the stage, everyone clapped and cheered, and there was a few laughs at the way Sam was awkwardly talking to the crowd whilst setting up. A few friendly and slapstick jokes later he was ready to perform his first song. I was shocked! The man who was awkwardly walking around the stage, laughing to himself had the most powerful and soulful voice! Strumming his guitar and stamping his feet to the beat, then I could see the people in the row in front of me nodding their heads along to Sam and his powerful voice. In between songs, Sam was very entertaining, supplying us with a kind of slapstick humour – Joking with the audience and telling us how he spent time in America and the background to some of his songs. He then performed a song called “Little Sister”, which he told us was about his cousin, not his sister. The song was very emotional and his voice poured emotion too, infact in every song he played poured emotion. But Little Sister stood out most to me. I really enjoyed Sam’s set not just because of his great music, but his personality too which as a whole made a great show and I recommend anyone who likes acoustic music to check Sam out!

Sam Bradley’s twitter – @samueltwitt1
